You must show God your faith… You must make Jesus your own personal healer.  You must know Jesus… You must trust Jesus… You must know Jesus as your miracle worker… Patience makes faith work.


Get louder and stronger each time you speak. The devil does NOT listen to weak people.  The devil only listens to strength and authority. You have to take authority over the devil and make him obey you. Take the Bible and claim a healing scripture... Tell the devil this for 3-4 hours for 2-3 days and you will be healed…

Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank you Lord for the spirit of God that's working in my life.

I thank you Lord because you are healing me right now. 

The anointing of God, the healing anointing of the Lord Jesus

Christ, breaks the yoke of sickness and disease and all infirmities.

I thank you, Jesus, You are my personal healer… You are my personal miracle worker…

I thank you most of all because you're my personal savior.

Thank you God because i'm saved… Because my name is

written in heaven.

I confess continually that your healing power is working in my body to keep me healthy and keep me strong.

I confess Lord that you are my personal miracle worker… that whenever I need a miracle you'll give it to me and you do all the time.  You heal me all the time and I stay close to you all the time.

In Jesus' name, I pray the healing power of God will saturate my whole being and the anointing of God will come upon me and drive out disease and sickness of any kind from me

i pray that faith will overflow in my heart…  Jesus, I give you the praise and glory for everything,

Satan... No, you don’t… I won’t accept this _________ I won’t receive this __________ Get off of me… In Jesus name, no you don’t…   I don’t put up with _________. _________ I command you in Jesus' name to come out of me.  In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you to obey me.  In Jesus name, I bind you Satan… I command you Satan to come out of my body.  I command you Satan in Jesus’ name to come out of me. I’m not giving you any choice.   In Jesus’ name, I bind you Satan… I command you Satan to come out of my body. ______ I take authority over you… Get out of my body… You’re an invader… Get out of here in Jesus’ name.  Get off of me…  In Jesus' name I bind you ___________… I command you get out of my body you thief… _________ I command you get off of me… ________ in Jesus name I bind you… I command you to die… go… In Jesus’ name, I said get off of me…

__________ you can’t kill me.

Thank you Jesus for healing me. My life belongs to you.

Jesus thank you for healing me. My life belongs to you.  Help me be a soul winner.  Help me get people healed. Jesus thank you for healing me. Jesus, you are my personal healer. I thank you first of all because my name is written in heaven.  Jesus, I'll never forget that you're my personal healer. Jesus thank you I am healed.   I have good health. I am strong. I am NOT weak and I'm not gonna be weak.  How can I be weak…I’m healed.  Jesus thank you for healing me. Jesus, I worship you just because you're who you are and I love you.  I worship you.  I surrender to you.

Your faith is dead without action.  God is waiting on you.  

Jesus’ last words before leaving earth…Mark 16: They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. 

At 33:00 in the video... How To Heal Yourself Of ___________________________

Norvel Hayes Book
God's Power Through The Laying On of Hands

Book Link