"You Can Always Receive... It's Always Easy!"
John 2:1
How to cooperate with God.
What is our part in the miracle?
You must approach God based on what His Word says.
Miracles bypass all natural processes and natural laws. They are a divine acceleration.
Ask God what is your part. Do not just sit back and do nothing. If a miracle is not happening… ask Him if there is something else you need to do.
Look to your spirit… ask God what you need to do. Miracles are not always instantaneous. Do not wait for everything to be in place before you do what God is asking you to do.
God will instruct you through the Holy Spirit. The Bible is God’s instruction in general. You must follow the Holy Spirit… because the Holy Spirit will give you the specifics of what you must do to get your miracle.
Miracles are also played out in a process. Once a miracle begins being worked… your body getting better… pain getting better… don’t stop believing. A miracle can be lost if you stop obeying what God told you to do. Don’t limit God to your miracle being instantaneous.
Keep moving in what God told you to do. When it comes to something specific you will need the leading of the Holy Spirit. Faith moves. When you need something… you need to start doing something. God can’t steer a parked car. Whatever He says to do… Just do it… It does not have to make sense to your mind. God’s ways are higher than our ways. Let God’s mind work on your behalf. He will ask us to do things that are not convenient. God is trying to get a miracle to you. If you need a miracle God is already dealing with you and telling you your next step. God is guiding you by the Spirit. You might not hear a voice… but you just have a sense… and it won’t always be loud… when you have peace in your spirit… but you don’t have peace in your head… ignore your head. God is guiding you by the spirit. Success lives with what He says. Sometimes he puts the answers in someone else's mouth. God will speak to you through His Word and through the Holy Spirit.
Every miracle for your life will involve you. You will have something to obey. You must open the door for God to come into your situation. You must invite His power to come. Your Faith is what opens your door. God is looking for ways to get your health to you. His ways are higher than our ways. All miracles by pass the natural process. God’s miracle power continues to work as we walk out our faith every day. Do whatever God says… not what others say. Do not override your spirit just to do what somebody else tells you to do. God speaks to us through His Word and through the Holy Spirit. You will know through your own spirit what to do. It will seem right on the inside of you. You will have peace about it in your spirit. Act on the faith in your spirit… not what is in your head.
The peace in your spirit is your clarity. Do not do it if you don’t have peace in your spirit. Feed on the Word and spend time in prayer. God may tell one person to go to the doctor and tell another person not to go to the doctor. Find out the direction God wants you to take. Your faith is so you can go with what God is saying. It is not enough to know what God wants... you must do what God tells you to do. Praying time is over... it is time to act and to obey. Agree with God. A miracle belongs to you... the first miracle is salvation.