Psalm 91 - Prayer of Protection
I thank you, Lord, that you're my Lord… You're my God…You're my source…my everything. I thank you Father that you're the one that delivers me from the snare of the tempter. You've delivered me from the deadly pestilence. Your faithfulness, Father, to your promise is a shield about me. Father, I thank you. You hide me under your wings like an old Mama hen hides her chicks. Lord, I thank you that I'm not going to be afraid of the terror of what somebody else can do to harm me. I'm not going to be afraid of the arrows… those thoughts, those fears, those things that try to come against me. I'm not going to be afraid of those things. I’m not going to be afraid of the pestilence, the sickness, and the disease. I’m not going to be afraid of destruction…the natural disasters like car wrecks and the things that come on the earth all the time. A thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but Lord I'm not going to be afraid because I'm trusting you. I don't have to fear the thousands. I don't have to fear. No evil will befall me. Neither will plague or calamity come near my household. Father, this is not just for me but it's for my whole family. You said that it will not come near my household. Father, I thank you for that. Lord, I am not going to be afraid of the terror the enemy would try to bring against me. Father, I thank you for the angels. I thank you, Lord, that you have angels around me, and you use your angels for my protection. I thank you, Lord, that because I love you… you said you would deliver me and set me securely on high. You said I would call and you would answer. Father, what a promise… that every time I call…you're going to answer. Oh God, I thank
you for that. Lord, I have so many things to call upon you for every day and I know you're going to answer. Father, I thank you that when I’m in trouble you said that you would rescue me out of the trouble. You said you would even honor me for asking. You said, Father, that I would call on you in my day of trouble and you would be right there… you would never leave me… you would never forsake me. I thank you Father that
your angels surround me all the time. I am so grateful Father… I’m so grateful. I thank you, Father, that you allow me to take hold of your salvation, your health, your healing, your deliverance, your protection, your provision. Father, salvation means all of those things and you satisfy me with a long life, a long satisfied life. Lord, I can't thank you enough. I want to say thank you every day for these blessings. Thank you, Lord, that you are bringing miracle after miracle into my life.
In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Healing Prayer
No Satan… I break your power. You cannot kill me, I belong to God. I am on a mission to do His work and you are not going to kill me. I bind you in Jesus' name. God is stronger than the devil. I belong to God and God is bigger than the devil. God is bigger than the devil. God is bigger than the devil. God is bigger than the devil. (Say this very strongly as loudly as possible)
Continue to pray in tongues...
God, where is the power? God, where is the power? God, where is the power? God, where is the power? God, where is the power? God, where is the power?
You must cry out with an unstoppable faith.
Father in Jesus’ name I reach my hand out to you and by faith I claim the Lord Jesus Christ and His miracle-working power will come into my life right now. Thank you Lord for your miracle power going into my life and giving me a miracle... a creative miracle.
The secret to getting your miracle is to thank God BEFORE you receive it.
Thank you Lord Jesus for my miracle… I love You Jesus. Thank you Lord for my miracle… Thank you Lord for my miracle… Thank you Jesus for my miracle… Thank you Jesus for my miracle… Thank you Jesus for my miracle… Thank you, Lord, for my deliverance… Thank you, Lord for making me normal from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.
______ I am talking to you… In Jesus’ name, I command you to remove yourself from me. Jesus is my healer and my miracle worker. _______ you have no part of my body… I command you to remove yourself from me in Jesus’ name.
Jesus is my miracle worker… Jesus is my healer… Jesus is healing me right now… Thank you Jesus for my healing… Thank you Jesus for my miracle.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank you Lord for the spirit of God that's working in my life.
I thank you Lord because you are healing me right now.
The anointing of God, the healing anointing of the Lord Jesus Christ, breaks the yoke of sickness and disease and all infirmities.
I thank you, Jesus, You are my personal healer… You are my personal miracle worker…
I thank you most of all because you're my personal savior.
Thank you God because i'm saved… Because my name is written in heaven.
I confess continually that your healing power is working in my body to keep me healthy and keep me strong.
I confess Lord that you are my personal miracle worker… that whenever I need a miracle you'll give it to me and you do all the time. You heal me all the time and I stay close to you all the time.
In Jesus' name, I pray the healing power of God will saturate my whole being and the anointing of God will come upon me and drive out disease and sickness of any kind from me
i pray that faith will overflow in my heart… Jesus, I give you the praise and glory for everything,
Satan... No, you don’t… I won’t accept this _________ I won’t receive this __________ Get off of me… In Jesus name, no you don’t… I don’t put up with _________. _________ I command you in Jesus' name to come out of me. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you to obey me. In Jesus name, I bind you Satan… I command you Satan to come out of my body. I command you Satan in Jesus’ name to come out of me. I’m not giving you any choice. In Jesus’ name, I bind you Satan… I command you Satan to come out of my body. ______ I take authority over you… Get out of my body… You’re an invader… Get out of here in Jesus’ name. Get off of me… In Jesus' name I bind you ___________… I command you get out of my body you thief… _________ I command you get off of me… ________ in Jesus name I bind you… I command you to die… go… In Jesus’ name, I said get off of me…
__________ you can’t kill me.
Thank you Jesus for healing me. My life belongs to you.
Jesus thank you for healing me. My life belongs to you. Help me be a soul winner. Help me get people healed. Jesus thank you for healing me. Jesus, you are my personal healer. I thank you first of all because my name is written in heaven. Jesus, I'll never forget that you're my personal healer. Jesus thank you I am healed. I have good health. I am strong. I am NOT weak and I'm not going to be weak. How can I be weak…I’m healed. Jesus thank you for healing me. Jesus, I worship you just because you're who you are and I love you. I worship you. I surrender to you.