We don’t have to pray and ask… we only have to receive.
Receiving is different from manifestation. Receiving is what you do with your spirit. It is what you do with your heart. It is a spiritual action to receive. It takes faith to perform that spiritual act.
If you say… Father, I believe I receive healing. You are not saying that you believe it is already manifested. You are saying that you believe that God provided and made it mine and I receive that. You must receive your healing with your spirit first before it can manifest in this physical realm. Receiving is dealing with what is still invisible.
We receive our answer while it is still in its invisible form. If we will perform that act of receiving before we see it God will make sure we see it.
Believe that you receive it before it manifests and it will manifest. Receiving is a choice.
How do you take your healing… receive your healing… you do it with your words. Simply say… I believe I receive it. That is our part. And you shall have it… is God’s part.
Don’t worry about when it will happen or how it will happen, that is God’s part. You are not going to doubt while waiting for your manifestation. You are going to say thank you that it is mine. It is not mine because it manifested… It is mine because I received it. We are going to worship, praise, and thank God. The moment you release faith… power starts working on your behalf. You must say that the power is working… healing is already mine because I received it. God can only move in our lives based on our faith.
The Word of God must be first in our heart… we must respond in line with what the Word says…the Word must be first in our thought life, first in our words and first in our actions.
You must speak to perform the act of receiving. You must speak and think the right words. The faith of God does not exist in your mind… it exists in your heart… your spirit. Your mind needs to be in agreement with the faith in your heart.
If we stagger in our faith… we slow down the manifestation. Unbelief delays the manifestation. You must be strong in faith… Giving glory to God, giving thanks to God, and praising God will accelerate your manifestation. Your focus must be on God and Him working… His power moving… and not on your need.
You must be fully persuaded that what God had promised… God will bring it to pass. Strong faith is not you trying to manifest something with your faith. Strong faith is believing that God is the one who will bring it to pass… God will perform this answer… not me. I don’t have to get rid of the symptoms… It is not my job to get rid of the symptoms or the pain. God will get rid of the symptoms. It is my job to receive the healing power. That power flowing is God working and that power will drive out that disease. Strong faith does not try to help God do His part. He does not need us to tell Him how or when. Praise is a work of faith. Faith only deals with the invisible. Praise is a release of my faith. Faith believes God brings it to pass. You rest in faith that God is working.
Faith is a moving thing. How does faith move…
1. Praise God continuously.
2. Say that God is working on my situation right now.
Stay out of God’s part… how long will it take… who is God going to use… when and how is he going to do it. God is not asking you to get rid of your disease… that is His job. God is asking you to receive and believe. God told me that when I release my faith it will manifest. Manifestation is God’s job… my job is believing.
Strong faith gives glory to God and it is fully persuaded that God is performing it. We confess the Word because it is true… not to make it true. The more we confess it… the more real it is to us.
Accelerate your manifestation by saying…
Father, I thank you. I thank you that your power is working. My answer is moving toward me. It shall manifest in this realm because I have already performed the act of receiving. God, I am fully persuaded that you are working.
Once we release our faith… God’s power always begins working. Power meets faith.
Wrong thinking is the primary thing that will slow down your manifestation. The enemy interjects wrong thinking into your thought life. God never withholds His power, but things get in the way and interrupt and hinder the flow of God’s power. Your manifestation can come faster if God’s Word is strongly rooted in you. Your faith is stronger if you have more of the Word in you. If you need healing… focus on healing scriptures… don’t just read anywhere in the Bible. Meditate on the Word. It could be just one scripture. The Word is the Father speaking to us. It takes faith to move with God. The Word is God speaking to us now. It’s believing Words that gives you faith. When you by faith call Him healer… he becomes your healer. When you call Him provider… he becomes your provider. When you call him answer giver… he becomes your answer-giver. He becomes all you believe Him to be. You receive something because YOU believe He is that. Call Him healer… Call Him provider… Jesus said… According to your faith so be it done unto you. The Word takes the place of the unseen Jesus. We speed up our manifestation by feeding on the Word and having our attention on the Word. We can slow down our manifestation by being swayed by circumstances… by having our attention on the problem… having our attention on our body. How do you take your attention off of your body when it’s hurting? You put something else in front of you. You say… I know what I feel, but it does not change what I believe. You are the healed…you are not trying to get healed. We believed we were healed when there were no symptoms… if symptoms come, don’t let them change what you believe. It is up to you NOT to put your attention on your circumstances, symptoms, feelings… put your attention on the Word… a lot of Word going in, and a lot of Word coming out.
We can limit the flow of God’s power. Once we release our faith… power always starts flowing toward our need. We can speed up the manifestation of our healing by feeding on and having our attention fixed on the Word. We can slow down our manifestation by having our attention on circumstances. What our attention is on will affect what we believe. If we are not freely speaking the Word… we are not filled up yet. The Holy Spirit works with the Word of God. The more of the Word we speak the more we give the Holy Spirit to work with. Be careful what you are hearing. The measure of thought and study you give to the Word you hear will be the measure of power and knowledge that comes back to you. We can increase the amount of power by increasing the Word we meditate on and act on. The doer is blessed.
The flow of the Word in our life is affected by two things… the intake of the Word and the outflow of the Word. You must on purpose say the right thing. Faith comes by hearing, but it does not operate by hearing. Faith operates by speaking and doing. It takes no faith to hear the Word. It takes faith to act on the Word.
Mark 11:22-23 - Having faith matters… Talk to things… they will obey you. Call it. The measure we talk to things is the measure they will move. Speed up your manifestation by speaking to it more. Verse 24 is talking about our desires. Call it to you. God saw the need before you ever needed it. God has already provided for it. Healing is a need that God has already provided for. You must desire wholeness. It will not come to you automatically. Faith is a currency… you have to replenish your faith. Proverbs 4:20- You cannot have your attention on your problem and receive your healing.